Open Studios EFA

I have a studio here at the Elizabeth Foundation, studio 405. I’m teaching Thursday evening at the New York Academy of Art, so Alana will be here at the studio. I will at the studio on Friday and Saturday.

This is a very fun event with over a hundred artists participating. Open and free to the public with wine and snacks!

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Minneapolis Institute of Art

These are the two drawings acquired by the Minneapolis Institute of Art 2016.
The Artists Family; "We Have to Move" charcoal 60 x 96
David and Anita Visiting Daina charcoal 60 x 96

Gallery 1516 Omaha, Nebraska, "Friends of Kent"

I have four drawings and a painting of Kent Bellows in this show that is up through January 1st, 2016.

"Donkeys Around Town" project

Artists are painting fiberglass donkeys to represent the US states and territories. They will be placed throughout Philadelphia for the Democratic Party Convention, July 1st - September 5th 2016. The Kansas donkey will be at Logan Square, and the Nebraska donkey will be on view in front of Suzanne Roberts Theatre on Broad Street.